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C++ Guide

This guide walks through the Neuropod C++ API in detail and goes over many different ways of working with models.


The Neuropod runtime interface is identical for all frameworks so this guide applies for models from all supported frameworks (including TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, and TorchScript)

Loading a Neuropod

The simplest way to load a neuropod is as follows:

#include "neuropod/neuropod.hh"

Neuropod neuropod(PATH_TO_MY_MODEL);

where PATH_TO_MY_MODEL is the path to a model exported using one of the packagers.


You can also provide runtime options when loading a model.

To select what device to run the model on, you can specify the visible_device option:

neuropod::RuntimeOptions opts;

// Set the visible device to the first GPU
opts.visible_device = Device::GPU0;

Neuropod neuropod(PATH_TO_MY_MODEL, opts);

This defaults to GPU0. If no GPUs are available, Neuropod will attempt to fallback to CPU.

Setting opts.visible_device = Device::CPU will force the model to run on CPU.

For more details, see all the options here

Get the inputs and outputs of a model

To get the inputs and outputs of a model, you can do this:

Neuropod neuropod(PATH_TO_MY_MODEL);

// Both of these are `std::vector<TensorSpec>`
const auto &inputs  = neuropod.get_inputs();
const auto &outputs = neuropod.get_outputs();

for (const auto &item : inputs)
    // A `TensorSpec` is a struct with a `name`, `dims` and `type`
    std::cout << "Tensor name: " << << std::endl;

For more details, see TensorSpec

Tensor Types

The following tensor types are supported:

  • float
  • double
  • string

  • int8

  • int16
  • int32
  • int64

  • uint8

  • uint16
  • uint32
  • uint64


uint16, uint32, and uint64 are not supported by PyTorch or TorchScript. See the supported type list in the PyTorch documentation.


TorchScript does not have support for string tensors so we represent them as lists of strings. Therefore TorchScript Neuropod models only support 1D string "tensors". See here for example usage.

Creating tensors


See the Efficient Tensor Creation page for a guide on the approach that best fits your use case.

There are many different ways to create NeuropodTensors, but all of them start with an allocator.

To get an allocator for a loaded model, you can do something like:

Neuropod neuropod(PATH_TO_MY_MODEL);

auto allocator = neuropod.get_tensor_allocator();

For scenarios where a model isn't loaded (e.g. unit tests), you can use a generic tensor allocator:

#include "neuropod/core/generic_tensor.hh"

auto allocator = neuropod::get_generic_tensor_allocator();

Allocate new memory

For this, we just need the dimensions and type of the tensor we want to allocate.

auto tensor = allocator->allocate_tensor<float>({1, 2, 3});

You can also manually specify the type without using a templated function

auto tensor = allocator->allocate_tensor({1, 2, 3}, neuropod::FLOAT_TENSOR);

To do something useful with these tensors, see the Interacting with Tensors section below.

From existing memory

Neuropod provides a way to wrap existing memory and use it in a zero-copy way.

To do this, it needs four things:

  • The dimension of the tensor to create
  • The type of tensor to create
  • A pointer to the data to wrap
    • Note: this should be 64 byte aligned
  • A deleter function

This deleter function is called once Neuropod (and the underlying libraries) are done using this data. Until this function is called, it is not safe to deallocate the data.

It is very important to pass in a correct deleter to make sure the memory doesn't get prematurely deallocated. Some examples are below.


cv::Mat image = ... // An image from somewhere
auto tensor = allocator->tensor_from_memory<uint8_t>(
    // Dimensions
    {1, image.rows, image.cols, image.channels()},

    // Data,

    // Deleter
    [image](void * unused) {
        // By capturing `image` in this deleter, we ensure
        // that the underlying data does not get deallocated
        // before we're done with the tensor.


You can also specify the type without using a templated function

cv::Mat image = ... // An image from somewhere
auto tensor = allocator->tensor_from_memory(
    // Dimensions
    {1, image.rows, image.cols, image.channels()},

    // Tensor Type

    // Data,

    // Deleter
    [image](void * unused) {}


Utilities for wrapping types from common libraries will be added in a future release.


#include "neuropod/conversions/eigen.hh"

auto tensor = allocator->allocate_tensor<float>({1, 2, 3});

// Returns an `Eigen::Map`
auto eigen_map = neuropod::as_eigen(*tensor);

See the Eigen docs for more details.


If you're not using the features of Eigen and just need simple element access, use accessors instead.

Factory functions

These functions are useful for creating test data.


Returns a tensor of type T and shape input_dims filled with zeros

auto zeros = allocator->zeros<T>(input_dims);


Returns a tensor of type T and shape input_dims filled with ones

auto ones = allocator->ones<T>(input_dims);


Returns a tensor of type T and shape input_dims filled with fill_value

auto full = allocator->full<T>(input_dims, fill_value);


Returns a tensor of type T and shape input_dims filled with random numbers from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev.

auto full = allocator->randn<T>(input_dims, mean = 0, stddev = 1);


Returns a 1D tensor of type T containing a sequence of numbers starting at start with a step size of step.

auto range1 = allocator->arange<T>(end);
auto range2 = allocator->arange<T>(start, end, step = 1);


// 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
auto range1 = allocator->arange<float>(5);

// 2, 3, 4, 5
auto range2 = allocator->arange<float>(2, 6);

// 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
auto range3 = allocator->arange<float>(0, 10, 2);


Returns an identity matrix of type T and shape (M, N). This matrix has ones on the diagonal and zeros everywhere else.

auto eye1 = allocator->eye<T>(M, N);


// 1, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 1, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 1, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 1
auto eye1 = allocator->eye<float>(4, 4);

// 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
auto eye2 = allocator->eye<float>(3, 7);

Interacting with Tensors

This section goes over various ways of interacting with existing tensors.

Types of tensors

Neuropod has a few different ways of representing tensors: NeuropodValue, NeuropodTensor, and TypedNeuropodTensor<T>

  • NeuropodValue is the base type and represents any value that the library can store and pass around.

  • A NeuropodTensor is a NeuropodValue that is a tensor. This adds metadata functionality (dimensions, type, num elements, etc.), but does not allow data access.

  • A TypedNeuropodTensor<T> is a NeuropodTensor of a specific type. This level of the hierarchy adds type-safe data access.

This is what the class hierarchy looks like:

graph TD; NeuropodValue --> NeuropodTensor; NeuropodValue -.-> non_tensor[Non-Tensor types]; NeuropodTensor --> TypedNeuropodTensor&ltT&gt; style non_tensor opacity:0.1,fill:#aaa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

To convert from a NeuropodValue to a NeuropodTensor, you can use as_tensor().

auto my_value = ...
auto my_tensor = my_value->as_tensor();

To convert from a NeuropodValue or NeuropodTensor to a TypedNeuropodTensor of a specific type, you can use as_typed_tensor<T>(). This does a type-checked downcast to the requested type and throws an error if the requested type does not match the actual type of the tensor.

auto my_value = ...
auto my_float_tensor = my_value->as_typed_tensor<float>();

// This will throw an error
auto my_uint_tensor = my_value->as_typed_tensor<uint8_t>();

The sections below will go over some more usage and examples.


Most use cases will not require usage of these methods (as the factories and templated allocators already return TypedNeuropodTensors).


Generally, data access requires a TypedNeuropodTensor<T> and metadata access requires at least a NeuropodTensor

Copy data into a tensor

Requires TypedNeuropodTensor<T>

If you want to copy in data (and can't wrap it using the tensor_from_memory API above), you can do something like this:

float * my_data = ...;
size_t num_elements = ...;
tensor->copy_from(my_data, num_elements);

You can also copy data from a vector:

std::vector<float> my_data;

Directly set/get data

Requires TypedNeuropodTensor<T>

You can do this using the accessor interface, which is very similar to PyTorch's accessor interface.

auto tensor = allocator->allocate_tensor<float>({6, 6});

// 2 is the number of dimensions of this tensor
auto accessor = tensor->accessor<2>();
accessor[5][3] = 1.0;

Range-based for loops work with accessors as well:

auto tensor = allocator->allocate_tensor<float>({3, 5});

// 2 is the number of dimensions of this tensor
auto accessor = tensor->accessor<2>();

for (const auto &row : accessor)
    for (const auto &item : row)
        // Do something

Example with string tensors:

auto tensor = allocator->allocate_tensor<std::string>({3, 5});

// 2 is the number of dimensions of this tensor
auto accessor = tensor->accessor<2>();

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
        accessor[i][j] = std::to_string(i * 5 + j);

Individual element access with accessors is very efficient and comparable to raw pointer operations during an optimized build.


See the Efficient Tensor Creation page for a guide on the approach that best fits your use case. Using

Get the dimensions of a tensor

Requires NeuropodTensor

const auto &dims = tensor->get_dims();

Get the number of elements in a tensor

Requires NeuropodTensor

auto num_elements = tensor->get_num_elements();

Get the type of a tensor

Requires NeuropodTensor

auto tensor_type = tensor->get_tensor_type();

Get a raw pointer to the underlying data

Requires TypedNeuropodTensor<T>

auto data = tensor->get_raw_data_ptr();


This method does not work for String tensors. Use accessors instead

Get the data as a vector

Requires TypedNeuropodTensor<T>

auto data = tensor->get_data_as_vector();


This method performs a copy


The basic inference method of a neuropod looks like this:

std::unique_ptr<NeuropodValueMap> infer(const NeuropodValueMap &inputs);

A NeuropodValueMap is just a map from std::string to std::shared_ptr<NeuropodValue>

Interacting with it is identical to interacting with a std::unordered_map.

For example:

// Get an allocator
auto alloctor = neuropod.get_tensor_allocator();

// Create some tensors
auto x = allocator->randn<float>({5, 5});
auto y = allocator->ones<float>({5, 5});

// Run inference
const auto output_data = neuropod.infer({
    {"x", x},
    {"y", y}

// Get the outputs
auto z = output_data->at("z")->as_typed_tensor<float>();

You can also get a subset of the model's output by providing a list of requested outputs:

std::unique_ptr<NeuropodValueMap> infer(const NeuropodValueMap &inputs, const std::vector<std::string> requested_outputs);

For example, if you wanted to return a map containing only the tensor "z", you could do this:

const auto output_data = neuropod.infer(input_data, {"z"});


All built-in NeuropodValue types are serializable. Furthermore, NeuropodValueMap is also serializable.

// A stream to serialize to. Any ostream is allowed, but we use a
// stringstream in this example
std::stringstream ss;

neuropod::NeuropodValueMap data = ...;
neuropod::serialize(my_stream, data);

Similarly, deserializing is just as easy.

auto deserialized = neuropod::deserialize<neuropod::NeuropodValueMap>(ss, allocator);


Serialization and deserialization works across Python and C++. See the Python bindings docs for more


The goal for this API is to support transient serialization. There are no guarantees about backwards compatibility so this API should not be used for long term storage of data