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Building Neuropod

Neuropod uses Bazel as a build system.

There are a few ways to build the project:

  • Natively on Linux and Mac
  • In Docker (preferred)

Natively on Linux and Mac

The following sets up a local environment for building and testing:

# Install system dependencies (e.g. bazel)

# Install python dependencies (e.g. numpy)
# Note: This creates a virtualenv for neuropod and installs all deps in it

After the above steps, you can run the following scripts:

# Build

# Run tests
# Or ./build/ to run all tests


The above commands run all python code in the virtualenv created by You do not need to manually activate the virtualenv.

In Docker (preferred)


Internally, this uses the build scripts mentioned above, but provides better isolation between builds.

Also, compared to a naive docker build, this command preserves the bazel cache. This ensures that subsequent builds run as quickly as possible.

Debugging/interactively building

In order to debug and/or experiment, it may be useful to build interactively within Docker:

# Will launch bash in a docker container containing all Neuropod dependencies
./build/ -i

# Run these commands inside the container in order to build and test


Neuropod has a set of tests implemented in C++ and a set of tests implemented in Python. Test coverage is described below:

Location Covers C++ Library Covers Python Library
C++ Tests source/neuropod/tests/* x
Python Tests source/python/neuropod/tests/test_* x x
GPU-only Python Tests source/python/neuropod/tests/gpu_test_* x x

The Python tests run against both the Python and C++ libraries by using python bindings. This means that many tests only need to be written in Python.

C++ tests can have the following tags:

  • gpu: Only run this test when running GPU tests
  • requires_ld_library_path: Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH environment variables so the backends and multiprocess worker are available. This is useful for tests that run a model using OPE.
  • no_trace_logging: Don't set the log level to TRACE when running this test. This is useful to avoid lots of output when running benchmarks.


Build Matrix

Our build matrix is defined as all combinations of the following:


  • Ubuntu 16.04 GPU (in Docker) - Buildkite
  • Ubuntu 16.04 CPU (in Docker) - Buildkite
  • Mac CPU (native) - GitHub Actions

Framework versions (each row of the table):

CUDA TF Torch Python
9.0 1.12.0 1.1.0 2.7
10.0 1.13.1 1.2.0 3.5
10.0 1.14.0 1.3.0 3.6
10.0 1.15.0 1.4.0 3.7
10.1 2.2.0 1.5.0 3.8
10.1 - 1.6.0 3.8
10.1 - 1.7.0 3.8
11.2.1 2.5.0 - 3.8
11.2.1 2.6.2 - 3.8

We also have the following ad-hoc builds:

  • A lint + docs + static analysis build (Buildkite)
  • A native Ubuntu 16.04 build (outside of docker) to make sure that we don't accidentally break workflows of users not using docker

This is a total of 17 builds (3 * 5 + 2) running in CI

The current build matrix is defined in build/

Code coverage is run on all Buildkite Linux builds

Lint and Static Analysis

We run the following lint tools in CI:

To show all lint errors and warnings locally, you can run ./tools/ To attempt to automatically fix any issues that can be automatically fixed, run ./tools/

We also run the following static analysis tools in CI:

These tools tend to be fairly slow so we don't currently provide a way to run them locally.

Future additions

We're also planning on adding the following configurations to the build matrix:


  • ASAN


See the contributing guide here